Tally Prime 2.0 has enormous new features that offer lots of benefits that can help you to grow your business. Some of them are given below :-
1 You can make vouchers effortlessly and can handle day to day hurdles which mean less effort and less time in getting work done.
2. Tally prime 2.0 comes with multi tasking ability. You can now make new transactions while holding the previous one.
3. You can now access your business data from anywhere as it comes with GO TO/SWITCH To feature.
4. Now you can also personalize your data with the new feature called “Save Report View” that is included in Tally Prime 2.0.
All these features save time and efforts, so that you can focus on your business.
Amsan technology has a record of more than 10 years in providing exceptionally well services to customers. We provides all kinds of service related to Tally.
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Website – https://amsantechnology.com/